Sunday, March 23, 2014

A Key to Common Blog Characters

Yesterday Catzookz introduced her boyfriend (hereafter known as "Twins Fan") to my blog, and he said he needed a key to the characters on the blog. This seems like as good a time as any to introduce new names for some old characters, so henceforth "Mr. Luxuli" will be Prairie Man. (That was Rich's idea.) Banjo Player will now be Lute Player, since she has long since given up the banjo for the lute. And now, here is a key to the characters on my blog, so that readers who know us can figure out who I am talking about. (Random strangers reading this, it probably won't be very enlightening.)

Famous Hat - the writer of this blog, who is completely incapable of tanning
Travalon - Famous Hat's fiancé who is 6'4" and a Beatles fanatic
Richard Bonomo - he owns the house with the bidet
Kathbert - the one who never hugs Rich
Hardingfele - Famous Hat's feral feline fan neighbor and bandmate
Luxuli - Famous Hat's workout partner who is demure, damn it!
Prairie Man - word puzzler and southpaw of the group, he is married to Luxuli
Tiffy - Famous Hat's best friend since college, so for about five years now
Cecil Markovitch - the mischievous mustachioed man of Croatian descent
Catzookz - the vegetarian who calls bacon the "gateway meat"
Twins Fan - his name is self-explanatory; he is Catzookz's boyfriend
The OTHER choir director - at that Lutheran church down the road
Lute Player - tenured professor of something I can't even explain and former bandmate
Jilly Moose - as the name implies, she loves moose
Anna Banana II - there is no Anna Banana I, I just got this name from her email address; she moved to the wilds of North Dakota
OK Cap - she's from Oklahoma, and she's a Capricorn
A-Fooze - the salsa-loving scientist who now lives in Canada
The B-Boys - the clean-cut, well-behaved brothers
Mo-Girl - the Missouri lass married to one of the B-Boys
Ma Hat - Famous Hat's mother who lives in Minnesota and makes cuddly rosaries
A-Joz - Famous Hat's neighbor and bunny sitter
Miss Heartsong - the colorful Creole opera singer
Light Bright - Famous Hat's former office mate and current wedding planner
Toque McToque - Famous Hat's office mate before Light Bright
Handy Woman - Famous Hat's coworker who fixes everything herself and grows her own food
Ethel - the dancer who got stuck on a roof in Rouen with Famous Hat
Palm Tree Fan - the photographer who has provided beautiful pictures for this blog
Mr. Icon - he looks like he stepped out of an icon and now lives in Alaska
El Vegetariano - he's the one who is always reading a book, no matter what else he's doing
The Mothership - Rich's Sicilian mother who successfully curses all his appliances so they must be upgraded
Mombert - Kathbert's mother who always notices Famous Hat's bling
Mr. Why - the late mischievous imp who broke rules Rich didn't even realized existed

That is an exhaustive list as far as we (Rich, Kathbert, and I) can think of right now. Let me know if I've forgotten anyone in the comments.

Famous Hat


Hardingfele said...

Very interesting. Say can OK Cap do that survey of ours on severe weather. For that matter, can any of the faithful blog readers help a 7th grader out by answering a few questions on how they react to thunderstorm and tornado watches and warnings. Folks in Oklahoma, MO and other tornado states are especially welcome and we have a skewed data set, so men are encourages as now the subjects are 63% female

Here is the link

Travalon said...

Pa Hat?

Famous Hat said...

Since I am female and not from OK, do you even want me doing this survey, Hardingfele?

Travalon - you're right, I didn't mention Pa Hat.

Hardingfele said...

It is up to you but I definitely want Travalon, Rich Bonomo and OK Cap to do it!

Famous Hat said...

I tried that link, and it said the survey does not exist or has been deleted.