Friday, March 28, 2014

The Perfection of Fart

This morning I saw Luxuli at the health club, and she said she wanted to comment on my last post, but she couldn’t create an identity as “Luxuli,” so Ma and Pa Hat are not alone in having identity troubles. She said she even created a new identity on Wordpress, but it does not work on Blogspot, which uses Google identities. She didn’t want to use her current Google identity, which is too personal, and she didn’t create a new one. (It must be possible to have multiple ones, since Hardingfele seems to have five different ones she has used to comment, including Hardingfele, her real name, Rockstar Tailor, Rockstar Tailor’s real name, and Hardingfele and Plysj.) So what is the comment Luxuli wanted to post? “No comment.” (In response to the question of what she was doing yesterday morning while the rest of us were working out.)

Kathbert forwarded me the following paragraph from a proofreading friend, which appears to be something about Italian art written in French. See if you can find the error:

“Leurs ouvrages, en marbre, en bronze, en argent, élevés de toutes parts dans Florence, semblèrent quelquefois, aux yeux charmés de leurs concitoyens, atteindre la perfection de Fart, et égaler l'antique.”

This translates roughly, per my study of French eons ago and Google Translate, to something like: “Their works, in marble, in bronze, in silver, raised all over Florence, sometimes seemed, to the charmed eyes of their fellow citizens, to achieve the perfection of Fart, and equal those of antiquity.”

Yes, Fart should be l’art, but how interesting is that? Then it’s just a paragraph about a bunch of artwork (presumably sculpture) which is just as beautiful as that from the Classical era. But now it’s about the perfection of Fart, randomly capitalized just to emphasize how important it is. Kathbert forwarded this to both Richard Bonomo and me, saying it must have been written by Rich (who, as my regular readers may remember, is from the House of Petard and is “Semper Ventosus”). Rich responded, “Mai oui!  Bien sûr!” and signed his email “Rich (pronounced, in this case, “Reesh”).” Or, as Hardingfele would say, this is about “les fartistes,” of which “Reeshar Bonomo” is the most prominent one I personally know.

Famous Hat

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