Monday, June 24, 2019

George Clinton and Natt Spil

I hope my readers had a good weekend. Friday Travalon and I went to the Limnology Open House, and we got free ice cream and looked at fish and plants, but the wait for a boat ride was too long so we headed to the Kingdom for curry fish. I dressed up as funkily as I could to go see George Clinton at the Sylvee, a new venue in town, but to my surprise most people did not. There were three opening bands that got progressively better – the last one, Fishbone, was really funky. Then George Clinton came out and… didn’t do much, but then he is the same age as Ma Hat. However, his band (Parliament/Funkadelic) is made up of mostly young, mostly attractive (and scantily clad) musicians of both genders, and they were awesome. They did “Flashlight,” “Atomic Dog,” “One Nation Under a Groove,” and some other songs I must know because I could sing along, but I don’t know their names. Travalon did not really like the Sylvee, which is metallic and standing room only, and I agree – what’s wrong with the old theaters with their ornate beauty and their seats for everyone?

Saturday Travalon had a neighbor help him get our boat in the water, and he said our new boat lift works fabulously. I met Tiffy, Rich, the Blaney Boys, and some other people for coffee and a rather annoying discussion. Why are so many people that I used to think of as devout Catholics bordering on heresy these days? Seriously, if you think Pope Francis is not to be trusted in religious matters but our highly amoral commander-in-chief is some kind of divinely appointed figure, then you are something other than orthodox Catholic. Of course Tiffy found the whole discussion tedious rather than aggravating. She and I went up to the Farmers’ Market, where I bought an air plant with the cash I made at our gig the day before, and Travalon joined us for lunch at Parthenon Gyros and an enjoyable afternoon of hanging out on the Union Terrace. We walked up to Natt Spil, where we joined some Slow Food people for dinner in the Hobbit Hole, or Den or whatever they call it. The seats are tree stumps, and it is long, dark, and narrow. People brought camping lanterns so we could actually see our food. Handy Woman came and brought me a black calla lily descended from the one I gave her during my wedding preparations. It is blooming right now, and it is beautiful. After dinner Tiffy and I went to the Chocolaterian to hear the Daughter of Denni play with her band. Her sister (the Other Daughter of Denni) was there with her husband and two little girls, and they had these funny glasses that are supposed to help with car sickness, but that make you literally look like you have four eyes. Since Tiffy said my selfie skills need improving, I took one wearing these glasses and will post it at some point.

Yesterday after Mass, Tiffy, Travalon, and I had brunch at the Peruvian restaurant, then we got bubble tea, and then she headed home while Travalon and I went to a picnic at the East Side Club. It had been raining during brunch, but by the afternoon it cleared up, so we went to the Tiki Bar and sat outside. Rich had a chocolate mousse party at his house, so we went to that, but I was in a grumpy mood from seeing some of those people at coffee on Saturday morning. Perhaps I was not my best self. I did enjoy talking to the Rosary Ladies and a woman I have not mentioned on this blog before. There is one particular person who always has to make the topic religion, and another person who said something rather snotty to me, so I said something very nasty back to her. Maybe I should have gone with my first instinct to stay home from the party. Rich says I have been acting weirdly for a few months now, but all his examples correspond to when this borderline heresy of Republican Rite Catholicism rears its ugly head. It’s enough to make a person want to move to another country to escape it! 

Famous Hat

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