Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Another Bird Post

Travalon and I don't have to go anywhere at all to take bird pictures - sometimes they come to us! Check out these photos I took using his camera as we were sitting on our screened-in porch. The male goldfinch sat still long enough for me to get a few good shots of him; his mate did not. I also took some pictures of a woodpecker.

And look at the little crane! Now he's almost as tall as his parents.

And here are a couple of videos of birds. The first is some geese we saw as we walked along the River Walk in Wausau. As always, Travalon shot the footage and I edited it. I set this one to "Rum and Coca Cola" by the Andrews Sisters.

And this is footage of the birds on Pilot Island in the Death's Door Passage. It's a bird sanctuary, but I thought the post-apocalyptic scenery of abandoned buildings and dead trees would go best with "Cowboys from Hell" by Pantera. The birds are herring gulls, cormorants, and white pelicans.

I know what you are thinking: "Famous Hat, do you EVER think about anything besides birds??" Of course I do, like plants and rosaries and what might glow under a black light. But I do have a particular fascination with birds. They are from such a different evolutionary branch than we are, descended from dinosaurs, and you can see some of their reptilian heritage in their weird feet. But now, like mammals, they are soft and warm and capable of emotions. Some of them are smarter than most mammals! And they are almost more like humans than most mammals, because they walk on two feet and they rely more on vision than smell. In fact, birds have little sense of smell for the most part, and when you get downwind from Pilot Island, you can definitely tell they don't care. Yuck!

Famous Hat

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