Monday, June 15, 2020

Black Light Rosary

I suppose it was silly to get so into black light stuff right at the time of year when the days are longest, but tonight Jilly Moose had us over for dinner, and then we stopped to see Kathbert and execute a plant trade, so it was late by the time I got home. I went up into the loft, where my meta-rosary is, and I plugged in the black light, set up Our Lady, and prayed with my boat rosary. Here are some pictures. First is Our Lady, an empty Lourdes water bottle, before I painted her.

Here she is with her new neon paint job!

I put some moons, stars, and planets on the back of her robe. They kind of look like Lucky Charms marshmallows.

Here she is under the black light!

And here is my boat rosary under the black light!

Here they are up in the loft with me right after I prayed with them. I was wearing a shirt that also lit up under the black light, but I forgot to ask Travalon to take a photo of that.

To my surprise, some of my other rosaries lit up when I turned on the black light, especially a cute little colorful one Travalon brought me from Holy Hill when he went there one day after visiting his mother while I was stuck at work. And my black light beads and rosary-making kit all arrived in the mail today, so at some point I will make a fancier rosary that glows under the black light. Who says praying can't be crazy fun??

Famous Hat

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