Thursday, June 11, 2020

Hummingbird Drone and Dancing Geese

I don't have a lot to say today, but sometimes when I despair of humanity, it helps to watch a video like the one I saw today, where scientists built a tiny drone that looks like a hummingbird to spy on monarch butterflies. The drone was so charming, and it was specially built not to hurt the delicate insects, so they could land right on it without getting injured. I thought I'd like to meet a person who would build a drone that looks like a hummingbird, because nobody does that for money or fame or power. They do that because they love God's creation and are moved by wonder.

This evening I had a very long meeting, but once it was over, Travalon and I took a boat ride in the golden evening light. We went back into the marsh, and I prayed my boat rosary. I was going to post some pictures of him, and the sunset, and some flowers in our neighborhood, but Blogspot is being wonky and not letting me post photos. I tried two different browsers (Safari and Chrome) and neither one is working, so I think the issue is with them and not my computer. Weirdly, it will let me post a video, so here are some geese in Rhinelander swimming to "Run Joe" by Louis Jordan. This is part of my never-ending quest to prove that large waterfowl all move to tropical rhythms.

Famous Hat

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