Monday, June 29, 2020

Basque Boat Captain?

Today my walking buddy was busy, so Travalon came on a walk with me. We noticed a boat in the marina across the way that had a Basque flag on it: red with a white cross and a green X. I wondered if the person who owned the boat were of Basque heritage, or if they actually speak the language. I studied it many years ago, so long ago that if I had spent the summer having a baby instead of studying an isolate language, that kid would be pushing Dirty Thirty. I would love to try practicing it again with someone, but how would I ever find this person? Do I just hang around the marina until the boat's owner puts in an appearance? And then what? "I see you have a Basque flag on your boat. Euskara esaten dut." Which I seem to vaguely recall means that I can speak Basque. Or maybe I should just say "kaixo," which is pronounced "kye-show" and means hello. That might be safer.

When we went to Sauk on Saturday, Travalon shot this footage of two white pelicans swimming by the dam. I love how when he zooms in on them, you can see how much their faces look like dinosaurs. I assume - I have never seen an actual dinosaur, unless you are of the school of thought (as I am) that birds ain't nuthin' but modern dinosaurs, and then I have seen many, many of them. This footage has a mellow vibe (as pelicans generally do - if I were a bird, I'd totally be a pelican) so I set it to "Maga Dog" by Peter Tosh. They are just living their best lives.

Famous Hat

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