Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Fire in the 'Hood!

This morning I was having a bad time: I couldn't find my sunglasses, and I broke a beautiful goblet. Then a terrible thing happened that put my problems in perspective - there was a huge fire in the apartment complex just across the marsh from us! Fortunately, nobody was hurt, but the building is a total loss. One of our neighbors took a video of the flames.

We heard so many firetrucks coming! They came from at least four jurisdictions.

The neighbor I always walk with has an excellent view of the building from her loft, and she invited me up to see it. I made a short video of the firefighters pouring water on the flames.

On our lunch break we took a walk to see the damage, and it was bad.

The firefighters must hate our neighborhood! As my regular readers undoubtedly recall, our downstairs neighbor almost burned our building down on Christmas Day, but fortunately they were able to stop that fire. (I am eternally grateful!) And a few years ago, another apartment building across the street burned down completely, but they quickly rebuilt it. That one was caused by lint in a dryer vent, ours was caused by a fireplace with Christmas decorations on it, and the one today was apparently caused by "smoking materials," which I presume means someone was careless with a cigarette. (Although Travalon pointed out that it could have been marijuana smoking paraphernalia...) I feel very bad for the other, non-smoking people who may have lost everything because of one person's carelessness. That's the downside of attached housing.

Famous Hat

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