Sunday, February 20, 2022

Fight at the Badger Basketball Game


One thing I forgot about yesterday is that we stopped by Delaney's Surplus Sales on Highway 12, because we had never been there but I kept hearing good things about it. They had quite a random collection of stuff, and I got a coral-colored umbrella and a purple velvet scarf for a grand total of $8. My regular readers may remember that coral was our wedding color, so next time it rains I can put the umbrella up and reminisce about the happiest day of my life.

Today was so beautiful. It got all the way up to 50 F. Kathbert, Travalon, and I took a long walk behind Edgewood College and through the zoo. Travalon took some photos, but we both forgot about them until now, when it's too late and I'm too tired to bother air-dropping them onto Boethius, so look for those tomorrow. Travalon had decided being outside was better than going to the Badger basketball game, so he missed the big fight afterwards. I heard about it and assumed it was between the players, but it actually started between the two head coaches, and then the Michigan head coach smacked our assistant coach in the head! After that the players got into it. Since Travalon had taped the game, we were able to watch the fight, since it was captured on camera as part of the regular airing of the game. Whoa! I guess the Michigan coach was mad because our coach called a time out toward the end of the game when we were so far ahead, but isn't that allowed? I don't quite understand the problem. Is only the team that is losing allowed to call a time out? I was unaware of such a rule.

Tonight Travalon watched the NBA All-Star game. I remember watching one a couple of years ago, when Giannas was a team captain, but this year I just didn't have a lot of interest in it. It doesn't feel like a real game, just a bunch of great players making amazing plays. Steph Curry made a half-court shot, and Giannis put up a lot of points. It was very cute when he had his little son on his shoulders after the game. Such a little guy on top of such a tall guy! Maybe someday his son will be very tall too.

Famous Hat

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