Monday, February 7, 2022

Model Train Museum Video


Today an exciting thing came in the mail: my Camino medal! I have to admit that it is not as pretty as my other two medals, for the Mount Fuji walk and the Road to Hana, but it's a much bigger accomplishment. Those were only 46 and 64 miles, but this was 480 miles. Here are photos.

These photos are from our stay at the bed and breakfast on a boat in St. Paul. For some reason I didn't post them, and I don't know why. They're from the deck outside the pilot house. The first one is from my phone and the second one is from Travalon's phone.

And from that same weekend, here is a video compilation I made of trains at the Twin Cities Model Train Museum. The Christmas Train and the Roller Coaster were videos I shot with my phone, while the more elaborate setup with several trains is from Travalon's good camera.

The first couple of videos were so short, I figured Blogspot would let me load them directly onto the site, but for some reason it wouldn't do it, so I had to use iMovie and then put the final product on YouTube. It must have something to do with my new phone, because with my old one I could load a video up to a minute long without having to go the YouTube route.

Famous Hat

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