Monday, February 21, 2022

Photos from the Zoo


As promised, here are some photos from the zoo yesterday. First, the polar bears:

The lion always likes to sit on this rock:

The alpacas were kind of giving us the side-eye:

These are bactrian camels. We don't have dromedaries at our zoo.

Here you can see both kinds of flamingos, the light coral ones and the dark coral ones:

This hornbill seems to be new. It is much smaller than the ones at the Milwaukee Zoo.

This is one of the white-handed gibbons. They like to sing.

In fact, once I was visiting the zoo with a woman from church, and the gibbons were singing (kind of more like whooping), so she sang Gregorian chant to them, and they were fascinated.

An update on the fight from yesterday: our coach was fined ten grand, and the other coach was fined forty grand and suspended for five games. Nobody wanted to press charges.

(Jilly Moose, feel free to skip this paragraph.) We had gotten some oyster mushrooms from Mother Fool's Coffeehouse, and tonight Travalon brought home fixings for quesadillas, then he fried the mushrooms and put them in the quesadillas. Oh my goodness, were they ever delicious! We will have to get those mushrooms again! Travalon says they would also be good on chicken breasts.

Famous Hat

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