Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Hangin' Out with God


In yesterday's post, I didn't say what Travalon and I did for Valentine's Day. We had already exchanged presents; he got me opal and pink sapphire earrings to match my ring when we were at the mall recently, and I got him a little stuffed puffin for a donation to an organization that works to save the oceans. Last night we went to the Mexican restaurant near our house, figuring that they may be too packed to get into on Cinco de Mayo, but they may not be a lot of people's first thought for Valentine's Day. That worked well - we got right in and had our usual shrimp chimichangas. Then we split a piece of tres leches cake that was so large that I can't imagine a single person eating one. They must know everyone splits them, and so they make them extra big.

Today I had three meetings, and one was in person right after lunch, but I forgot to change from my sneakers into my good shoes. Oops! They were discussing named options for music performance majors, and most of them were instrument types, like strings or brass, but jazz was its own option, because they said jazz is so different than other types of music. That made me wonder why they didn't have a named option for early music, for those students who don't want to perform in the dreaded equal temperament, but they said they have enough options already. Odd, because I thought our university was trying to become a place known for early music. 

After work I went to adoration as usual, and I always get there at least half an hour early so I usually hang out in the library. Today there were people in the library, so I went up into the sanctuary. It was really beautiful with the candles flickering as darkness fell and the last light of day shone through the stained glass windows.

It looked as if the tabernacle was glowing.

I think it's just a reflection from the tabernacle candle, which is just to the left of this photo, but it's a really cool effect. I sat there and wondered why "social justice warrior" is an insult, and God pointed out to me that the people who think so are often the same people who say they are His most loyal followers, yet He constantly tells us how important social justice is. Like, blessed are they who thirst for justice. So I said, "Good point, God!" He is always making good points when I sit alone with Him. I would highly recommend spending some time alone with God. He has a lot of common sense and can be incredibly funny. He's fun to spend time with.

Famous Hat

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