Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Alexa, Why Do You Smell Like Cloves?


Today I worked on campus and walked with my colleague during my lunch break, then Travalon picked me up from work and we went to Jilly Moose's place. She lives in a very large apartment complex, and we had a lot of trouble finding her building (it was just as hard as the first time I went there), and then once we were in her building, we weren't sure how to find her apartment. We did find her, and she introduced Travalon to the moose - his favorite was one called Maverick that was one of her first moose. Jilly Moose made lasagna and garlic bread and salad, and it was all delicious. She asked how it compared to Richard Bonomo's lasagna, but I said it was so different that I couldn't say which was better. Rich's actually tastes a lot like my dad's, so I suspect it is Sicilian style, since my dad learned to cook from a Sicilian when he was in the monastery, and Rich learned from his Sicilian mother.

After dinner we swam in Jilly Moose's pool. Unlike the pool at my old condo complex, this one was warm and had a lovely clubhouse with bathrooms - so handy not to have to run all the way back to a faraway apartment building when you have to go! Maybe it's osmosis, but after twenty minutes in a pool, I almost always REALLY have to go. Tiffy's pool is in between for convenience: warm, but no nearby toilet facilities. As we swam, I thought I saw a green heron fly overhead and land in a nearby tree, and then later Travalon saw it too, when it landed in a different tree. Green herons usually hang out around water, and I'm not familiar with any nearby water, but Google Maps shows there is a small pond on the other side of the road. Or who knows, maybe the pool is good enough water for a green heron, although there wouldn't be any fish in it... that I know of. I sure didn't see any. 

The funniest part of the whole thing for me might have been how we were pestering Jilly Moose's Alexa with questions, and then I went into the bathroom and thought there was another Alexa speaker there, so I started asking it questions... until finally realizing it was a diffuser making the room smell like cloves. Maybe it was responding to me by putting out more scent? You can see what a Luddite I am, that I am so amazed by a small speaker answering questions that I assume anything looking like a small speaker can answer questions.

Famous Hat

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