Monday, June 24, 2024

Florida Panthers Win the Stanley Cup


Today I worked from home, and it was sunny and hot. When Travalon got home, we went for a walk on Governor's Island because it was shady and had those wonderful lake breezes. We had been planning to go to Pheasant Branch again, to see the bubbling springs this time, but it was so hot, and there is no shade in that part of Pheasant Branch. My phone said there wouldn't be thunderstorms until 3 am, and it said that as I went to my condo board meeting. However, as we were in the meeting, the sky darkened and the wind blew up, and then the rain poured. I could see flashes of lightning. The condo board president's wife said, "I didn't think this was supposed to come until 3 am!" and I said, "That's what my phone said too!" 

The storm hadn't let up by the time our meeting was over, so the president kindly drove me home, even though it's only a block away. I don't care about the rain - I'll dry off - but the lightning really scares me. And it hasn't let up much since then - I think it might storm all night. Now there is a flood warning for our area. The water is higher by our dock than it has ever been. Maybe that's why the vice-president's sailboat got its keel stuck in the mud? I haven't seen it, but he said it can't move - it's just stuck off the side of our dock. He said, "I don't know if this is a season-ending problem or a boat-ending problem." So different from last year, when the water was so shallow that we couldn't get out at all. Now it's more like nobody can get out because you never know when a storm will blow up.

However, Travalon is very happy because his Florida Panthers won the Stanley Cup. (For those of you who don't care, like me, that's hockey.) They won the first three games so they only had to win one more... and then they lost the next three games. And not just lost, but were blown out with scores like 8-1. So this was the last game, make or break time, and they won 2-1. Because I have bought Travalon so much Florida Panthers stuff over the years, the team thinks I care, and they always send me emails like, "Panthers win!" Of course, as soon as they won, I got an email about all the championship stuff I can buy for Travalon, like hats and T-shirts and what looks like a commemorative puck. Pucks are cute, but I find it hard to care about a game without a ball, or even something called a "ball" that is clearly not round but is still an inflated thing. Also, I kind of find hockey elitist. I mean, it's not polo, but Pele became the greatest soccer player of all time learning to play with a grapefruit, and inner city kids can become basketball or football stars, but you pretty much have to have upper-middle-class parents to learn to play hockey, with all the equipment and the ice time. I guess it offends my egalitarian sensibilities. Anyway, here is Stanley the Panther celebrating the Stanley Cup.

Travalon took a photo of the rainbow on Saturday evening too.

When we got to the restaurant, I excitedly told my colleague that if she peeked out the door to the right, she would see the rainbow, but she demurred and said she had seen plenty of rainbows before. She and Travalon agreed that I am like a little kid, excited about EVERY rainbow and EVERY sunset, even though they happen all the time. Yes, that's true. I will never be tired of rainbows and sunsets.

Famous Hat

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