Saturday, June 15, 2024

Rich's First Betty Lou Cruise and Mallards Star Wars Game


Yesterday I worked from home, then Rich and Tiffy picked me up and we drove to the theater out in the woods. To our surprise, Jilly Moose was right behind us, and then we met the Dairyman's Daughter and the Single B-Boy at the theater. We had a picnic there with take-out fish fries the Dairyman's Daughter had picked up for us, then we saw Much Ado About Nothing, which was hilarious. It was a very late night, and when I got home after 12:30, I fully expected Travalon (who spent the evening very successfully fishing, but he threw them all back) to be in bed, but to my surprise he was still up. Here is a photo Jilly Moose took of the scenery from the play.

This morning I slept very late, well after nine, and woke up from a dream that I had slept so late that I'd missed coffee. We weren't meeting Tiffy, Rich, and Jilly Moose for coffee at Fair Trade until 10:30, so I was fine. Then we went to Dubai (the restaurant, not the emirate) and sat outside for lunch. I had the vegetarian platter, which seemed like it would be a healthy choice... and it probably was, but the rest of my day was so bad. For example, I had a scone when we had coffee. Was that necessary? Probably not. Travalon had a turtle mocha, and look what they drew on his cup!

Rich had never been on a Betty Lou Cruise, and we tried to do one last summer but it was canceled at the last minute, so we tried again for today. It was a historical cruise with a historian who has written a book about the history of Lake Mendota giving a talk during the cruise. This one didn't have a whole meal, but it had some pretty substantial hors d'oeuvres, like pot stickers and meatballs and bacon-wrapped shrimp and (don't read this part, Jilly Moose) stuffed mushrooms. Then for dessert, chocolate-covered strawberries AND cookies. I took an oatmeal raisin cookie, thinking it might be healthier. Travalon took a lot of photos during the cruise.

This is a weird little rock pile in the middle of the channel to the lake.

Here is a bald eagle on the rock pile.

This is a view of the beach at Governor Nelson State Park.

This tree used to be on an island we called One Tree Island, but the island eroded away, and the tree fell over and died.

Some candid shots of us that I didn't realize Travalon had taken.

Rich is consulting the historical map of the lake. He really enjoyed the talk.

Some buildings on campus. On the left you can see the WARF building, which is really weird-looking.

This, of course, is my office building, Van Hise, aka the Towel of Babble.

And here are some shots of the houses in Maple Bluff.

This is the Governor's Mansion.

This is the beach at Warner Park.

And here is the downtown skyline, with the Capitol Building.

More campus buildings.

Here are some posed photos of us.

This is Three-Foot Bay, which is three feet deep so boats stop there and people swim.

I love this little A-frame boathouse.

Look how many lotuses are in the channel!

As soon as we got off the boat, we heard our neighbors the cranes sounding off, so we looked over... and guess what?? They still have two babies! So the one that ran away after the storm must have been reunited with its family. One parent crossed the road, but the other stayed with the young ones.

Tiffy and Rich left to find a book for her brother-in-law about D-Day, while Travalon and I went to the Mallards game. We were supposed to get reversible bucket hats for Star Wars Day (one side is the Dark Force and one is the Light Force), but the hats didn't get delivered in time, so we got vouchers for the hats and for another game for free. We sat right behind a young couple with a thirteen-month-old baby (to quote Stevie Wonder) with the most beautiful dark eyes and long lashes. She was so well-behaved! We were also amused by a gang of school-aged boys who, every time a foul ball was hit toward the stands, would holler, "Go! Go! Go!" and run off like a mini battalion. They were pretty successful too, because I saw at least two of them with game balls. The Mallards were playing the Fond du Lac Dock Spiders, who won it all recently but are the worst in the division this season. The Mallards were up 8-3 at the top of the ninth, and they quickly got two outs on the Spiders, but then both their pitching and fielding fell apart. Here we thought they had the game in the bag, but they made a bunch of stupid mistakes and allowed three runs, so they were only up by two runs. They changed pitchers, and the new guy quickly dispatched the next batter up, so game over and the Mallards won, but I didn't feel very triumphant. How did they almost blow it? 

Oh yeah, remember when I said I saw a dancing chicken on the Jumbotron while driving by the field the other day during a game? It wasn't my imagination - they had something called "Techno Chicken" between innings which was videos of chickens edited so they looked like they were bopping around to the music. I found the video on YouTube, and it's fourteen years old. How is this the first I've heard of it?

It's never the wrong time for some DuoLingo bragging! I got some new stickers in the last few days, including tonight, when I came home from the game and did it for almost an hour.

So that is why I'm blogging so late. I should get to bed so I don't sleep as late tomorrow as I did this morning; after all, we have to go to Mass.

Famous Hat

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