Monday, June 10, 2024

I'm in the Diamond Tournament Finals


Today I worked from home, and on a walk I took a picture of a sign that appeared relatively recently in our neighborhood.

Is it official? Or did someone just add it to the pedestrian crossing sign? It's kind of small; it says: "Sandhill Crane Xing."

Travalon had to go to work almost as early as I did, and then he was done early, so we went to the outdoor pool at our health club while it was still light out. It was so weird - there was a guy swimming around in the deep end, and we tried to keep to one side to stay out of his way, but he kept getting closer to us until he literally ran into me... and even that didn't shame him into staying on his side. We thought maybe he liked the side better that we were on, so we moved to the other side, but that didn't seem to stop him - it's like he wanted the whole deep end. Then when he saw we were leaving, he did too, even though then he could have had the entire deep end to himself.

Once we got home, I went out to see the sunset. (Travalon was busy watching the Stanley Cup playoffs.) It wasn't as spectacular as the ones we saw up north, but it was still pretty.

A couple of our neighbors were paddle boarding with their dog, who fell off the paddle board - but she's fine - and another couple were returning from canoeing. They said there has been so much rain that there are new channels back in the marsh. We need to get out there to see that!

As promised, here are my new rosaries.

All of them but the one on the far right were from the antiques shop in Minocqua. That is the one from the shop in Woodruff. The bag was from Minocqua too. It's perfect for bringing rosaries to Adoration.

It's always a good time for some DuoLingo bragging:

I have won this tournament before. All that happens is that you can add a little diamond to your avatar for a couple of weeks. You'd think you could get a month vacation or something. Maybe it comes with some "lingots," which are currency you win in DuoLingo that can be used to purchase extra time for timed exercises. As you can probably imagine, I have amassed a lot of lingots and now feel no pressure during timed exercises. So that's one good thing about this system.

Famous Hat

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