Sunday, June 16, 2024

Blue Streak in the Sky


Last night I didn't sleep well at all, so this morning I really had to drag myself to Mass in the gym. No choir today, so it was a "Fifty minutes or your money back" sort of Mass, but then I made Travalon stay for the postlude because it was the same Bach transcription of a Vivaldi violin concerto that my OTHER choir director had played as the prelude at our wedding, because Kathbert had told him how much I loved Vivaldi. Besides the nostalgia value, I just love the piece.

It was a very hot day, so we walked in the shade at Lake Kegonsa State Park. Travalon hadn't brought his good camera, but he took some photos with his cell phone.

We also took a walk at Governor's Island, where a friendly black Lab came running up to us, picked up a stick, and begged us to throw it. We took turns, but when it was Travalon's turn and he didn't pick up the stick fast enough, the pup picked it up himself and dropped it in front of Travalon again, as if to remind him. There was a lovely breeze when we were close to the lake. Here's a photo.

Here are a couple more photos that Travalon sent me. This is one of the fish that he caught on Friday evening.

Yesterday Travalon and I took a walk in the neighborhood between the cruise and the ballgame. We went out on the dock, and when we were about to come back, the crane family was starting to come onto the dock. We all stopped and looked at each other, then the cranes went across the dock and into a neighbor's yard, so we went the long way around to avoid them.

Because of the lack of sleep, I didn't feel up to Irish class or band practice. Travalon said, "Come away with me to the dock, and let us watch the setting of the sun." (That's not a direct quote; I'm taking some poetic license.) Only we got there after the sun had already set. We did see some interesting stuff. First, some photos from my phone of the afterglow from the sunset.

Here are photos from Travalon's good camera.

We saw Midnight Splash coming in for the night.

And a boat with green and purple lights and a dog at the helm.

Then we noticed this weird blue beam in the sky, like a spotlight.

I think it might have been a contrail, because it started to get wider.

And then it vanished.

You know me, always making Travalon take photos of the moon.

The sky was more dark blue than black, but when Travalon focused on the moon, the background became black. He can focus in more on things than I can with the binoculars. When I think of how beautiful the comet back in 2020 looked through the binoculars, I wish he had been able to get a photo with the good camera. I think a comet is supposed to be coming this year, but maybe it already came. Hopefully someday we can get a good photo of a comet on this blog.

Famous Hat

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