Thursday, June 27, 2024

Mysteries of the Killer Building


Today I worked on campus, and nobody else seemed to be around, yet suddenly a freshly brewed pot of coffee appeared. I had a cup, but for a long time it didn't look like anyone else had any... and then at the end of the day, there was hardly any left. I saw one faculty member, but he said he doesn't drink coffee, so this mystery may remain unsolved. Also, at one point when I was on the first floor, all three elevators were opening and closing and making beeping sounds. That kind of scared me, but I didn't want to climb eight flights of stairs, so I got into one when it was open and pressed my floor, and it closed, went to my floor, and opened like nothing was wrong. This building! With all the rain we've been having, the first floor has been flooded several times. It was so badly built.

This evening Travalon was watching the debate, and when I came home, I watched it too. It really bums me out that people gravitate toward a lying bully, but the message he's selling is seductive for some people, I suppose: you can do whatever you want - steal from contractors, cheat on your multiple wives, lie constantly - and still be a "Christian." What surprises me is some of the people I know who have bought into his message, because I thought they were moral people. I suppose he will win and be president again, but he's really going to try to be a dictator. Can our democracy survive his narcissistic nonsense? He  might be able to do more damage than people realize. Some people actually want him to be a dictator, because they think he will usher in a Christian theocracy, but I think it's more likely that he would outlaw worshiping anything other than himself, like the Roman emperors of old. That's his dream.

Famous Hat

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