Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Free Employee Appreciation Ice Cream


Today I worked on campus because my colleague, my coworker, and I all wanted to get free employee appreciation ice cream. We met on Bascom Hill and got in line, and our line was for orange custard chocolate chip, which is my favorite flavor. My colleague's favorite flavor is blue moon, but we didn't see anyone walking around with that flavor. The band played all the favorites like "On Wisconsin" and "Varsity" as we stood around chatting. Here are a couple of photos.

Finally, as we were leaving, two ladies walked by with blue moon ice cream. They must have waited to crack it out. I asked my colleague if she wanted to go back to get some, but she said, "It's 360 calories each, and I'll only burn 280 at body pump tonight." 

My boss hadn't gone with us because he was in a meeting, but when he heard there was orange custard chocolate chip, which is also his favorite flavor, he ran down there and back in record time. Then he didn't actually eat the ice cream; he put it in the freezer with a note on the lid that anyone who opened it who wasn't him would have a forty-year curse. My boss is awesome.

My colleague and I went on a walk after ice cream, but we got a little rained on. It was a strange day, sunny and lovely at first and then overcast the rest of the day until I came out of Adoration, and then it was sunny again. Travalon picked me up, and we had dinner at the Tibetan restaurant. I love their dumplings! If my calorie counter is accurate, they also kept me below my calories for the day despite the ice cream. I've lost weight the last two weeks, and I'd love to keep that streak going.

Famous Hat

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