Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Wednesday: Cleaning and Riding the Bus


Today I worked on campus, and our boss had asked us to each take several cleaning chores in the common areas now that things are a bit quieter, so everyone else hopped on the easier chores right away while things were most definitely not quiet for me. Today I cleaned a sink, a toaster oven, and a microwave, and it was hard work, but they were pretty spotless afterwards. I was trying to channel Tiffy's aunt who is legendary for her cleaning prowess, so that I wouldn't give up if it was "good enough." That gave me a lot of active minutes, and I was too tired to walk very fast with my colleague during lunch.

My big adventure today was to take the B bus home. My regular readers may remember that I usually take the D2 bus, but I leave my car in a place that is Ground Zero for Mallards game day parking, and today was a home game. I parked by the gardens where I used to have a plot, since that would be well past the Mallards traffic, and I scoped out what seemed to be the closest bus stop. In the evening I took the B bus, but there are a lot more crazy people on it than there are on the D2, which seems to be working stiffs going home for the day. The woman across from me was hollering at a young woman further up in the bus about how she liked her boots, and when that woman thanked her, the loud woman decided they were best friends and started recounting her life story. The young woman was uncomfortable and turned toward her friend, but the loud woman kept going... until the really crazy young woman sitting behind her decided she was "Ava," someone she already knew, who had to help her find her phone and her ticket. The crazy woman was freaking out the loud woman ("Ava"), who went and sat by the woman with the snazzy boots... and then the crazy woman went and sat by "Ava." Snazzy Boots tried to help Crazy Woman while "Ava" was relieved to get off at the stop for the Mallards game. Crazy Woman had long since passed her stop, and I was concerned that she was going to ask me for help, although she seemed pretty focused on Snazzy Boots (though she didn't make up a new name for her and act like she knew her from before), so I got off at the stop I had scoped out this morning and walked a couple of blocks... just to find that there was a stop right in front of the gardens. At least it was a sunny day.

Just now I went to do my ten minutes of cleaning, after watering my plants a day late (blame the Chancellor's party)... and some of them were letting me know they weren't happy about the delay. I still keep watering the dead ones because I've had not one, not two, but at least four come back from the dead. Anyway, I opened the clock app on my phone and started cleaning the bathroom, but it felt like a really long ten minutes so finally I checked my phone... and I had never actually started the stopwatch. And now it's raining again, for what feels like the thirty-sixth day in a row. Making up for last year, I guess.

Famous Hat

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