Friday, March 23, 2012

Plant World Relocation Tantrums

It has been so warm out that I moved Plant World outside. I can’t remember ever doing that in March before! We’ll see how long they can stay out there… The rabbits were not happy to see the plants go, and Cashmere expressed her displeasure by running over my foot while I was looking the other direction. In retaliation, I tried to make her cuddle with me, but she was having none of that. She does make the funniest noises when trying to get away from me, sort of between a squeal and a groan. Charlie just hopped around sadly looking for the plants, although he did thump his foot at me a couple of times just in case I missed the point. We go through this every spring when I move the plants outside, and I don’t know how to make it less traumatizing for the rabbits or, frankly, why they care so much. They don’t overreact when I move the plants back in during the fall. Maybe they love having the plants around – I know Cashmere would love to eat them, despite the fact that she turns up her nose at any fresh produce I offer her other than bananas. She has succeeded on a couple of occasions, but so far she and the plants have survived. She must realize she can’t get at them out on the balcony. And maybe Charlie is just unhappy when Cashmere is unhappy.

Famous Hat


Hardingfele said...

Ha, you probably moved them back today!

Famous Hat said...

You know it.