Monday, August 6, 2012

Pub Crawl by Bicycle

My readers may be wondering about my silence on Friday. I was out in the sunshine and fresh air, biking from bar to bar for the annual birthday pub crawl for the Daughter of Denni. It was a great deal of fun, but I only made it to maybe four stops before Hardingfele and I headed home. There is only so much biking and drinking I can do in one day, at least these days; back in the day, I could bike 75 miles a day two days in a row, believe it or not. One of my fellow riders couldn’t believe it, so I can understand if you can’t either. This was a decade ago – I was fitter then. After the ride I relaxed in my pool and then went to bed at 7:30.

The next day I was very rested and refreshed when Rich and I drove four hours north to a wedding reception for his old roommate. It was very beautiful up North, and I was happy because we got to go canoeing after lunch. It’s a great wedding reception when you get to canoe! This guy is one of nineteen children, about half of them adopted and many of them with special needs. Two of the kids are a day apart in age so they were raised as “the twins,” which is funny because they are two different races. Another fascinating fact about this family: not one sibling has gone to the same college so far. That’s a lot of alma maters!

Famous Hat


Hardingfele said...

If we did more biking and less drinking I would have done more of the route

Famous Hat said...

I think you are missing half the point of the ride.