Tuesday, September 4, 2012

My Labor Day Weekend

I hope my readers had a good Labor Day weekend. I spent all day Saturday at the William Tell Fest with Da Guy. We watched a play about William Tell and walked around New Glarus, a very cute little town where all the buildings look like Swiss chalets. He took me to a very nice restaurant for dinner, and I had jaegerschnitzel with spaezli. Then we sang along to the radio in the car on the way home. Sunday I went kayaking with A-Joz; we wanted to take out a paddleboat but they said it was too windy, so she agreed to try kayaking for the first time. She said she liked it and would do it again. Then yesterday Richard Bonomo and I biked down to New Glarus (I feel like it’s my second home by now) but we cheated and drove partway there since we got such a late start. It turned out that the bike trail didn’t go straight there; we had to bike on the road to another bike trail and ended up backtracking a bit. We had a much more casual dinner in New Glarus (Monday is spaghetti night), but it was late and getting dark, and I was very tired, so Rich called the single B-Boy to come pick us up. Which he did, for which I am eternally grateful. It is embarrassing how often I have to be rescued on these long bike rides.

Famous Hat

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