Thursday, August 8, 2013

Running an Errand

Today I got to leave the office to run an errand. Because I biked to work today, this meant a pleasant bike ride down the campus path instead of a complicated bus ride with a transfer. I had to pick up a check for Canada – literally, it’s for the Canadian government. To my surprise, the person behind the desk was an old coworker of mine. He said, “I saw you were coming in for a check! But it’s not for you?” I said, “No, it’s for Canada.” (We collect Canadian tax on books we sell in Canada and then pay the government quarterly.) He had been talking to another woman when I got there, and they are both black, so I chirped, “Guess what? I’m part black!” to which the woman replied, “No, you are of African heritage.” But she didn’t seem particularly offended. Hardingfele says I’m going to get myself killed talking about my black roots around people who actually look black, but maybe they are more accepting of lily-white me as a relative than she thinks. Anyway, it was a fun break in the day. I'm not looking forward to making the same trip in the winter months...

Famous Hat

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