Thursday, August 1, 2013

Who I Am

I have been looking at my results from the genetic test in more detail, and unfortunately there is still no Basque in my DNA… but there could be Etruscan! There is just a smidge of Sardinian on what I am guessing is my mother’s side, where the sub-Saharan African appears. There is also a sizable chunk of Italian on Chromosome 8. Is that where all the wine-drinking genes are? Maybe the pasta-loving genes? I do love pasta. Online internet searches are not that helpful, because they only tell you what disorders are on a particular chromosome, not any of the awesome stuff. There is some German/French on my father’s side, which makes sense, since his mother’s side of the family is German. What does it all mean? It means I’m a proud Celto-Anglo-Germano-Italo-Afro-American. (That’s in order of frequency in my genome; I didn’t mention the Sardinian because it is just a small amount.) Per Ma Hat, her father’s side of the family owned slaves way back, so that explains the African, but neither of us know any back story for the Italian. As Ma Hat put it, “Our ancestors weren’t homebodies.”

Tomorrow I probably won’t get a chance to blog, since I’ll be on the annual Birthday Bike Ride/Pub Crawl to celebrate with the Daughter of Denii.

Famous Hat

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