Monday, August 12, 2013

Vegetarian Feast

Saturday Catzooks and her boyfriend wanted to make a vegetarian feast at Richard Bonomo’s house, so of course Rich went and got a roast for the meat eaters after taking me on a remedial hike at Pheasant Branch. (I say “remedial” because I have gotten sadly out of shape.) This was a potluck feast, so Kathbert made bread and Jilly Moose made her own version of trifle with strawberries and raspberries. Cecil Markovitch brought wine and a delicious cucumber dip. I, however, was lame and just brought crazy soda from the Mexican grocery store near Rich’s house. Catzooks outdid herself with a curry cauliflower dish, roasted tomatoes, two kinds of cheese, pomegranate juice, hummus, and apple-peach wine, plus several more “C” vegetables (celery, carrots) and pita bread. Everything was so tasty! Catzooks wants to have another vegetarian meal at a time when more actual vegetarians can make it, like Mr. Luxuli. As it was, only the men at this dinner party availed themselves of the meat. I think this must have something to do with the fact that men evolved to be hunters and women evolved to be gatherers, because I’ve seen this pattern before, like when we order pizza. Women always want veggie toppings and most men (though of course not Mr. Luxuli) want meat, meat, meat.

After dinner Catzooks’ boyfriend showed me a most amazing video on YouTube, a compilation from Russian dashboard cameras. Dashcams are all the rage in Russia, where people want to prove someone else was at fault in an accident, and you can find these compilations all over YouTube. The most amazing one was probably where someone hit a pedestrian, then she got up and got into the car. Who gets into a stranger’s car even if he hasn’t just hit you? Watching these videos, we wonder if Russia has any actual traffic rules. There don’t seem to be any lanes in the roads, and people are always driving in ways that would make no sense in the US, like right into oncoming traffic. I am definitely not adding “driving in Russia” to my bucket list of things to do!

Famous Hat

1 comment:

Hardingfele said...

The veggie feast sounded very yummy. Of course Russia has traffic rules but it also has the highest per capita vodka consumption. Draw your own conclusions!