Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Listing It

Last night Hardingfele and I went to the health club to work out. As many of my readers know, I do not own a TV, so the only time I watch one is either during a Packer game (at Richard Bonomo’s house or a sports bar), or at the health club. The stations that always seem to be on at the health club are the house channel and the food channel, and last night it was the house channel as Hardingfele and I approached the stationary bikes. “Should I change it to the food channel?” she wondered and I said nah, leave it. The show was one where a couple is arguing over their house – one spouse loves it and one spouse hates it – so a designer comes in to redo their current house while a realtor shows them other houses. I think the show may be called “Love It or List It” because those are the two choices at the end of the show. Usually the wife is the one desperate for a new house, while the husband loves their current domicile, but last night for the first time it was the wife who was attached to the house and the husband who was desperate to move. In the end they did list their house because when the wife saw some shiny new houses, she fell out of love with their old house with “character.” It did make me wonder why it usually is the man who is perfectly content and the woman who is agitating to move. I have mixed feelings about my own condo; some more space, especially some actual closet space, would be nice, but I have been very happy in it for the last seven years. However, there is no way it is big enough for me, Travalon, a dog, a cat, and two rabbits, so we will be listing it within the next year.

Famous Hat

1 comment:

Hardingfele said...

You will need that chick Hilary to remodel it though! To me a bigger house just means more to clean