Friday, November 8, 2013

Overthinking It

I have nothing in particular to blog about today, so I'm putting up a picture my brother sent me that he said made him think of me:

I am not quite sure what about this photo makes him think of me, except that I used to have a hedgehog. Also, I love chocolate, but as I am a female, this is not entirely unexpected. What puzzles me is the caption: is it serious or ironic? Maybe it is from the point of view of the hedgehog, saying how lucky it is to be in a box of chocolates. But hedgehogs don't eat chocolate, not like rabbits do. (Trust me, I do know this from firsthand experience.) Maybe it is from the point of view of the person opening the box of chocolates, being sarcastic because there is a small prickly creature in the way of the chocolates. Or maybe the person opening the box of chocolates is being serious when saying "Lucky me!" since the box of chocolates is probably worth about $10 but the unexpected baby hedgehog could be worth at least 50 times that much. If you have any additional ways to overthink this photo, please feel free to comment.

Famous Hat

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