Thursday, October 10, 2019

Other People Left Out of the Picture

Apparently I am not the only one deemed uncool enough for social media AFTER being requested to submit something. As my regular readers probably remember (since this post was only from a month ago), I was asked to pose for two photos at an event, but neither photo appeared on a post about the event. Here on campus, a number of student groups were asked to make videos to submit to the Homecoming committee, but when the final video was released, none of the clips made by underrepresented groups made the final cut. Everyone in the final product was white (and I daresay attractive), as if this was an entire university of sorority sisters. Disappointing, but not surprising – the committee that made the final video consisted only of these “perfect” white girls. The minority groups were very upset, and I feel their pain to some extent. (I was not excluded for being the wrong color, but for being the wrong aesthetic – ugly.) The excluded students complained to the administration, and now it is a big scandal, and the ridiculous video of beautiful white girls with perfect smiles has been taken down. Good! I’d say what is wrong with people, but unfortunately I already know: those deemed most desirable by society have no interest in the rest of us, whether we are too dark or too ugly or whatever. Changing human nature is very hard, so the best solution would be to have a more diverse committee. Of course, if you are only asked to join the committee by other committee members, that may be where the real problem lies, and where the lack of diversity perpetuates itself. I have no solutions to the basic problem, but maybe it’s time for a more mature adult to intervene in this student committee. Sometimes people just don't learn things without being taught.

Famous Hat

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