Thursday, February 11, 2021

Discount Pundit


Years ago Tiffy and I were sitting around outside (it must have been a warmer time of year) at some late hour, and I said something about moving to DC. She said what would I do there, and I said be a pundit, which for some reason she found hilarious. She said it was just the sound of the word, but really, why wouldn't someone as opinionated as I am want to be paid for my scintillating opinions? Instead, I just opine on this blog, where I am technically paid every once in a while, for hosting ads nobody reads. Which is not totally true, since I have been known to look at them myself when I see a really interesting one. Since I make about two cents an hour, more or less, for writing this blog, I am truly a discount pundit.

Another thing I do really well besides opine is get into arguments with strangers on social media, although I am not particularly unusual in that regard. Last night I was getting into it with a guy who called me "dear" in that patronizing, condescending way that certain men talk to women, and I called him a sexist pig and said, "And you wonder why the rest of us despise you condescending, patronizing white men!" Someone else said I was being sexist and racist against white men, but I pointed out that I wasn't saying that about all white men, just the condescending, patronizing ones. I have no problem with most white men - I married one. Anyway, another guy gallantly came to my defense, and the jerk started insulting him, so I called the jerk "Tiresome Ted," since his name is Ted. He responded, "Of course I am, that's what happens when you work all day," so my insult clearly went over his head. I figured it was a waste of time to point out that I was TRYING to insult him and say he was tedious rather than weary, so I just let it go. Some people are just not worth your time, and for Lent I should give up wasting any time on them.

Famous Hat

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