Friday, February 19, 2021

Party of One


Yesterday Travalon went to the zoo before work, and he saw the polar bears out enjoying the weather. Of course, I was too - it felt so warm compared to the last couple of weeks!

One of the rosaries I got at the Odana Antiques Mall has such an interesting crucifix. Here is the front, where it has a symbol for each of the Evangelists on the edges of the cross.

And on the back, it has the Stations of the Cross! Perfect for a Friday in Lent as I prayed the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary.

Back in the early 90's, they used to have parties called "raves" at abandoned warehouses, where a DJ would play underground dance music, and the ambiance was all blacklight and dry ice smoke. Or so I hear - you could only go to one if you knew about it, and I wasn't cool enough to ever be invited to one. Of course I went to legal nightclubs, even back in high school when one in my hometown had an "underage dance party" night, and so I knew all about black lights and dry ice smoke. Last night I went up into my loft and had a rave of one. After all, what could be more underground than techno songs I made that have gotten like fifty views on YouTube? And what could be a more secret location than my loft? I didn't actually dance, having already walked five miles, but I did watch the Hmong ornament spin in rhythm to my songs "Non-Anonymous," "Warm White Candy," and "Ubiquitous Tintinnabulation." I found another thing from the International Festival glows under blacklight: Lolita the Llama!

And this Hmong hat I got at an outdoor festival, maybe Atwood Fest? 

One interesting thing I find is that the rosaries that are most likely to light up, either partially or all the way, are ones I wasn't as enthused about. They often aren't as exciting in regular light. For example, of the rosaries I bought at the Odana Antiques Mall, only the white one lights up, not either of the lovely clear glass ones. I feel like there is a lesson in there somewhere, or it's a metaphor for something. It's always the rosaries that I think, "Why did I buy this one too? I'm already getting four others that are lovelier!" Now I don't regret them at all! And then there is this one:

Notice how only one decade and a starting bead light up in blacklight? True story: I found this missionary rosary online when I googled "antique rosaries," and the green beads were so beautiful in the photo that I ordered it just because of that. When it arrived, I was just as pleased with the green beads in real life. I mean, the white, yellow, blue, and red decades are also pretty, but there was just something about those green beads - they are such a delightful minty green. And look - they light up under blacklight!!! 

Famous Hat

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