Saturday, October 16, 2021

Corn Maze Masters: Level Up


Today did not quite go as expected. Travalon and I met Jilly Moose downtown for coffee, then we went to the Union Terrace to hang out with some other members of the "secret club" we're in. I thought I'd get a lot of time to hang out with them before Tiffy came downtown, but then she called and said she was going to go straight to my house. Rich picked me up from the Union while Travalon hung out with the other club members, was in the group picture, and played some trivia. Then Rich, Tiffy, and I went to the Mexican restaurant not far from my house for lunch before heading to the corn maze.

This year the corn maze had three levels: the usual one, where you just solve the maze; the second level, where you find the secret punches; and a third level of a secret maze within the maze that was not on the map. This year's maze was Schroedinger's Cat, and the secret maze was in the ball of yarn the cat was playing with. There were sticks with numbers on them, and you had to add up all the numbers. That was hard, because we weren't sure if this stick with a 3 on it was one we had already seen, but Rich made diagrams so we could figure it out. As we were looking for secret punches, we found this secret bench surrounded by pumpkins in the cat's left eye.

There are ten secret punches and you have to find eight to get a maze pen. We found nine, and we got the sum of 19 in the secret maze. When we told the people at the prize tent, they said we could write our team name on the board, so we did: Boweilorbes. It's an amalgamation of words that have meaning to each of us.

When we got back, Rich and the neighbor I always walk with helped me take down the mandevilla arch. Here is a before picture.

Sorry, I forgot to take a picture of the two four-foot-tall plants that were left after we removed the arch.

At the exact same time as we were in the corn maze (and I say this with certainty because of the time stamps on the pictures), Travalon was getting some more miles on the Ice Age Trail for our challenge. He went to visit his mother, and then he hiked on the Lapham Peak Segment, which has lots of boardwalks.

I love his picture with the clouds - it reminds me that on our way back from the corn maze, we saw four little clouds stacked one above the other, but by the time we found a place to pull over so I could take a photo, they had blown off in different directions. 

Tiffy and I got calls an hour before our Betty Lou Cruise was supposed to start - they were canceling it because it was so windy on the lake that people on an earlier cruise were getting seasick, and their drinks were falling over. Travalon got home not long after that, so we came up with a Plan B: we went to Amber Indian Restaurant for dinner. That was convenient, because Tiffy's sister texted her to request some organic food and beverages, and we were right next to the Willy Street Co-op. It was like a scavenger hunt, trying to find the specific brands she requested. Kind of fun! As long as we were there, Travalon and I picked up a few things too. Then we came home and watched the Badgers beat Army in football. So while it was a day of changing plans, it was still a very good day.

Famous Hat

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