Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Spooky Monday


Yesterday was a very weird day for me. I realized on Friday, as I was working from home, that my university ID was not in my bag. That seemed odd, because I specifically remembered packing it in my bag after realizing it was in my cardigan pocket, because otherwise I would have forgotten it in the pocket and gone back to work without it. I thought maybe it fell out in the car, but I searched that, and I carefully searched my whole bag, and my purse, but it was nowhere to be found. So Monday morning on my break I walked to the bus stop, but there was no sign of it there, and when I got back to my office, I saw it sitting on my desk. That was doubly weird because a) I distinctly remembered putting it in my bag the last time I had it, and b) I hadn't seen it on my desk until just then. So either someone found it on our floor and came into my office while I was on break, or it had been there all along, I don't know what the memory is of me putting it in my bag as I left on Wednesday, and somehow I didn't see it when I first got to work.

The weirdness continued when I found a folder of forms I had left in our chair's mailbox for him to sign - he had put them in my mailbox without signing them! So I emailed him and put them back in his mailbox, and he came to my office with the signed forms and said he wasn't the one who put them in my mailbox. So... did I put them in someone else's mailbox, and they saw the folder that said, "Return to Famous" and so they did? But I double-checked that it was his mailbox! Weird. So then I tried to scan the forms to email them to the next person in line to approve them, but my computer couldn't find the scanner. That was weird, until I realized it was turned off... but that's weird too, because I never turn the scanner off, and why would someone have gone into my office and turned it off? 

We have a sign on our bathroom, which has two stalls, that says either it's free or occupied because someone decided during the pandemic that only one person can be in there at a time. People are forever forgetting to flip the sign, so yesterday I saw it was "occupied" for a long time, so I called in: "Hello?" and someone responded. I waited a little longer, and someone I didn't recognize came out of the bathroom, so I went in... and someone was still in there!! What??

When I told my coworker about this, and said how fitting that it was spooky during October, the rest of the day was pretty mundane... until I got home and began to feel awful. That was spooky in a totally different way. Take my word for it - you do not want to go to the emergency room during the pandemic. I finally gave up, went home, took a Tylenol, and slept just fine. This morning I felt awful again, so we went to Urgent Care, and they said I have a painful but not serious condition that should resolve itself soon, so just alternate ibuprofen and Tylenol. Also, I love how all my suffering always has to do with having lady parts. They seem to be more trouble than they're worth, considering that they never worked for me as advertised, since as you know there are no mini Famouses and Travalons running around our house. Sigh.

Here are some recent photos. First are some mushrooms that Tiffy's cousin took a picture of under blacklight. Isn't that super cool??

Here is the sun catcher that Jilly Moose made when I made the spooky fridge magnet.

This is a rosary I got on Sunday. We stopped back in the church while the Hispanic Mass was going on, and some people were downstairs selling rosaries. I just loved this one so much. 

And here are some things from Travalon's job. First is a Hackin' Packin' Alpaca, which he says is a prize on the prize shelf for kids who do all their homework. What is this, exactly? Your guess is as good as mine, but it looks like it's a game that sprays you if you don't pack fast enough.

And finally, the return of Mr. Fat! Unfortunately this photo doesn't show you how large he is; there was an even cuter photo of him with a little girl, but I'm not comfortable putting photos of minors on this blog. Anyway, he's a teddy bear as large as the littlest kids Travalon works with. (One of them dubbed him "Mr. Fat.") He was in storage due to the pandemic, but today he made his grant re-entrance into society.

Travalon is a little sad because the Brewers just got eliminated from the playoffs. I'm not really a Brewers fan, since I am under a familial obligation to be a Cubs fan, and really all I care about is the Mallards, but I do feel for him. I reminded him that the Bucks had a few seasons like that, where they got tantalizingly close but couldn't quite make it to the final series. But then... they did make it to the final series! And they won it in six! Bucks in six!! So maybe it will work out for the Brewers too, next season or the one after.

Famous Hat

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