Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Lost in the Bowels of a Building


Right now the tulip trees are blooming on campus. There are two on a wooded path behind the Social Sciences building, and when I went to see them, I found some blossoms on the ground. I picked two up and put them on my hat, then I went to Van Vleck, and on the way I ran into my Irish class buddy. She probably thought I was ridiculous, prancing around with flowers on my hat and babbling about how I was going to find more flowers. I'm kind of like a character from a fairy tale, always off to find flowers or mushrooms deep in the woods while wearing my wide-brimmed hat. I continued on towards Van Vleck, and the two tulip trees there were in full bloom. So pretty!

Then I went to see the big tulip tree in the Botany garden, and on the way I passed the baby tulip tree on Bascom Hill. I assumed it was too young to bloom, but it was full of blossoms! For some reason they were past their prime when the other ones are right at their peak, but because the tree is so small, I could easily reach a blossom to show you the interior. It looks like its other magnolia cousins inside.

Here are its past-peak flowers.

Because the petals are neon orange at the bottom, I wondered if they glowed under blacklight. Answer: kind of...?

Today a funny thing happened at work. My boss and my coworker named after a Norse god are both leaving for other jobs, but they are the only two who know about a storage room for our books in the building across the street, so this morning they took us other three administrative staff to show us where it is. The storage room is in the basement, past creepy old drawings of human anatomy, and it was full of cockroach parts like wings and legs. Why just parts? Do the other cockroaches eat them? We didn't see any live cockroaches, but we did see a very alive big black spider. When we went back to the entrance, it was raining really hard, so one of my coworkers said he knew where there was a door closer to our building. I know this door too, since it's the one I go into when visiting Hardingfele's office, but I had no idea how to get there from where we were. Apparently neither did my coworker, because we spent forty minutes wandering the halls of the basement of the building, wondering what was around every corner. (We know they have cadavers for the Medical School down there somewhere.) At first it was funny, but soon we wondered if we would ever escape. When one coworker tried to go a different way, another one said, "Wait! Stay with the group! Haven't you ever watched a horror movie?" It did feel like we were in one. Finally we found the other door and dashed through the rain to our own building, which didn't seem so bad anymore, even if it did try to kill us last year, and even if it does have a cockroach population of its own. At least it has no cadavers or creepy old drawings of human body parts! My favorite thing about this adventure of ours was that it showed up as a workout on my FitBit, as it should. Forty minutes of frantically trying to escape a scary building is definitely exercise!

Famous Hat

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