Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Train on Campus


Today was another annoying day at work. I had to take some online training, and they provided a Word document with lots of places for notes, because there would be a final exam. There were quizzes in each module, and I did fine on those, but I took copious notes for fear of how detailed the final exam would be. Then finally I finished all the modules and got to the final exam... and it was one question: "Did you complete all the modules?" Who's going to answer No?? So I took all those notes for nothing. Sigh...

At least on my morning break there was a train, and I heard it coming so I could get into position to make a video. Now most trains that go through campus have about five cars, but only once I was committed to filming did I realize this was going to be a five-minute train. But, fear not! It's not just five minutes of train going by, because there's something odd going on that I didn't notice in person but realized once I watched the video on my computer: some guy seems to be taking photos of me! Now who would want to take a photo of a plump, middle-aged woman making a video of a train?? I am standing in front of Agriculture Hall, so it's possible he was just taking pictures of that, but it looks like he spots me and then decides to take photos of me from different angles. You can judge for yourselves. This is looking down Henry Mall at Engineering Hall.

It was a beautiful, sunny day, so ideal for taking a video of a train from this lovely vantage point. I just wish it hadn't been quite so long. And I'm sure all the cars you can see accumulating on the road had drivers that wished the same thing!

Famous Hat

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