Sunday, June 12, 2022

Outdoor Theater and Steel Drum Band


Yesterday Travalon and I met Jilly Moose for coffee at Ancora, since it is not far from my garden plot and in theory I was going to go there yesterday. Of course that didn't happen... Then I went downtown to meet Tiffy, and we went to Himal Chuli for lunch as usual. We walked down to the Union Terrace and sat gazing at the water, then we walked up Langdon Street to the Edgewater Hotel and went back to State Street for bubble tea. The bubble tea place has moved and is now where the coffee place we always used to go to was located. Then Richard Bonomo picked us up, and we drove out to the outdoor theater, where we met up with the Dairyman's Daughter. We watched a really funny play called The Rivals, which is perhaps most famous for the character of Mrs. Malaprop, who always uses the incorrect word. Some of her best lines: "You're as stubborn as an allegory on the banks of the Nile!" "I contracepted a message from her." "All men are Bavarians!" During intermission, I felt my phone vibrate, and I looked to see if someone had sent me a text. It was just a reminder to do DuoLingo, so I said to Tiffy, "DuoLingo is yelling at me!" A woman standing nearby said, "DuoLingo is yelling at me too!" She was studying Spanish. We commiserated over how that pesky green owl never leaves you alone. We got home very late, and I quietly showered and crawled into bed... and a few minutes later Travalon said, "You can turn on a light." I said, "But I'm already in bed." I was trying to be very quiet, but I must have awakened him just enough that he slowly came to and began talking to me, well after I was done making any noise. So then we talked about our day, and he had a good time fishing out in Sauk and at Mirror Lake, but he didn't catch anything.

Today we woke up so late that our usual Mass was almost half over, so we went to the church near us and were still a few minutes late. To our surprise, Rich texted us about joining the group for brunch, and when I called, expecting them to be done eating, he said they had just ordered their food since this was the week there were coffee and donuts after Mass. So we went downtown and joined the usual gang and Jilly Moose for brunch. We did finally get to my sorely neglected garden plot, and even after an hour of weeding it still looks exactly the same, which isn't weedy, but it's not perfect either. We walked on Governor's Island, and then I wondered if they were canceling band practice because they had played downtown on Thursday evening, when I had take minutes for a meeting, and they always cancel practice after a gig. I checked my email, and sure enough, there was no band practice, so we met Jilly Moose at the East Side Club to hear a steel drum band. It was a perfect evening, and the band was so good. They ended with the Led Zeppelin song "Kashmir," which actually sounds really good on steel drums. We saw sailboats and even a pelican on Lake Monona. It's such a beautiful venue.

Famous Hat


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