Thursday, July 14, 2022

Yeah I Got Bird Problems, That's the Mammal In Me


(Apologies to Lizzo for that blog post title.) At the request of absolutely nobody, I am posting a screenshot showing that I was #11 in the Diamond League in Duolingo, and that I get an opalescent trophy next to my avatar. Of course, I stupidly use my whole real name on Duolingo, unlike most other people who use nicknames, so I had to erase that, and then I couldn't figure out how to write "Famous Hat." Anyway, enjoy.

Lately I'm feeling very pushed around by the cranes. I don't want to tangle with them, since they are are essentially barely updated dinosaurs and are just about as tall as I am, but sometimes it's hard to go for a walk in the neighborhood with them around. The other day I saw two of them crossing my path, and I stopped to let them pass, but then they discovered a puddle right in the middle of the road that they were all into like it was a jacuzzi or something, so I turned and went the other way. But then another pair of cranes - this one with a baby - were in my neighbor's yard, so I turned and went up the path beside the tennis court until they had disappeared into the marsh. Then at my morning break today, the landscapers across the way were mowing so a pair of cranes were walking away from them and right toward me, like, "B*tch, move!" I wasn't sure where to go, since they were coming right at me and would be following me if I just turned around and went the other way, so I veered off to the side, and that seemed to work.

Today Travalon was also having bird avoidance issues. They took the kids to the Arboretum, and they saw these big birds that the kids wanted to chase:

Later they took the kids to the swimming pool, but then everyone had to evacuate the pool because there was a duck in it. Why would they have to evacuate because of a cute little duck? I have thoughts. I have been in pools while a duck was swimming in it, and then I was unable to have children, so they are probably trying to save these children from a life of infertility. Have you ever noticed that all people who believe correlation equals causation eventually die? Something to think about, is all I'm saying.

Famous Hat

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