Sunday, July 10, 2022

Picnic Weekend


Sorry for the silence the last few days. Thursday evening Travalon and I went to a Mallards game. It was Grateful Dead Night, and I got a commemorative T-shirt, but somehow I had only bought one ticket, and by the time I realized it, they weren't offering the T-shirts anymore. However, it worked out because I was able to get a ticket for Travalon right next to me, and they didn't have the shirts in his size anyway. Then when we got to the ballpark, we saw lots of good seats right behind home plate, so we just sat there, and nobody asked us to move the entire game. There was a lot of tie-dye, including the players' jerseys, and they played a bit of Grateful Dead music, but not as much as I'd been led to believe. (I thought the email said there would be a cover band playing.) Also, the Mallards lost to Green Bay, who are now called the Rockers. First they were the Bullfrogs, then they were the Booyah... I just can't keep up.

Friday I talked to Tiffy, and Travalon went to the new Elvis movie, which he enjoyed.

Yesterday Travalon and I went to Literatus, the little bookstore/cafe in Watertown, because they were having a sale on history books. We also hiked on Tivoli Island. Then we went for another hike on the Glacial Drumlin trail in Lake Mills. In the evening we went to a birthday party for the Dairyman's Daughter, whose actual birthday is today. It was a cookout at her brother's farm, just like last year, and when I saw my memories on social media, it seems I wore the same shirt both times. (Tie-dye, of course.) She said no presents, only cards, but I had seen a book at Literatus that was "poems by cats" called I Can Pee on This, so I gave it to her and said think of it as a really big card. She loved it! Besides tons of family members, she also invited a lot of the Night Prayer crowd, so we prayed Night Prayer in real life. It was a beautiful evening.

Today our parish had a picnic, and that was a lot of fun. Once again the weather was perfect. It was at a park by the lake, and we had pulled pork from "Mr. Pig," as our parish priest called him. We mostly just sat around and talked, but I got plenty of exercise walking to the bathrooms, which for some reason were like half a mile away. One of the kids I knew when she was growing up, who's over thirty now, lives out of state but was visiting with her boyfriend, and he was great. I approve heartily! 

Then we went to Picnic #2, which was at a park on the other side of town. It was a half-birthday party for Mamastep, and she's really into Steampunk, so a lot (but not all) of the people at this party were dressed in Victorian era garb. We had a taco bar and whatever random other stuff people brought, like krumkakas and our second Costco chocolate cake of the day. There were games like Stonehenge croquet and worseminton, which is like badminton but for four people with two nets that make an X, and Travalon and I were looking forward to playing, but then a storm blew up that had not been in the forecast, so people quickly took down all the games. Such a bummer! Some people did play bocci ball after that, but by then we were picnicked out, so now we are having a quiet evening at home.

Famous Hat

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