Saturday, July 23, 2022

Two Evenings at Breese Stevens Field


Sorry for not blogging last night - I was getting too into doing French on DuoLingo. Those silly little stories they have are addictive! I forgot to mention that Thursday as I prayed the rosary at lunch while walking in the one bit of shade in our neighborhood, I looked up and was suddenly three feet away from the pair of cranes that have a teenage colt. Fortunately they weren't upset at all - in fact, I think they invaded my space rather than vice versa - so I just kept walking, out into the sun. Ugh. I also saw the male black-chinned hummingbird once, and he was gorgeous, black on top with a metallic green sheen, and with a garnet-colored throat. I see the female at the feeder constantly. Maybe she has babies she needs to feed - I'd love to see them!

Yesterday Tiffy was busy, so Travalon and I went to the same seafood restaurant as last week, and then we went to the Bodega at Breese Stevens Field. It was a bunch of little local vendors with stands, and I bought a bunch of stuff I didn't need, like Ringo the Octopus. But c'mon, look at that smile!

I bought this neon painting, hoping it might glow under blacklight.

I seem to have this photo upside down. Oddly, only the pink glows under blacklight.

And I got these earrings that looked like they would glow under blacklight.

And they do!

Here you can see the colors a little more vividly.

Today Travalon and I slept until just after nine, which is very late for us, and we didn't even go to bed late. I guess a week of doing my boss's job on top of mine wore me out, and he got tired from taking the kids to the county fair yesterday. We met Jilly Moose and Richard Bonomo for coffee downtown, then we shopped on State Street with Jilly Moose. The woman at the New Age shop remembered Travalon because he had been wearing a Van Halen T-shirt last time, and her son has the same name, so when Travalon came into the New Age shop looking for us, everyone said, "Travalon's here!" like he was royalty. I got some tea which is cold brewing right now, so we'll have it tomorrow.

It was very hot, so Travalon and I were going to walk at the mall, but then we thought maybe we would take a hike at Pheasant Branch since it's so shady. By the time we got there, the sky had clouded over so it wasn't as hot. I always love going to the spot where you can gaze upon the hill as the creek seems to run toward it. Once again there was someone kayaking in the creek today. I know the hill is not really a mountain, and it should have lost all its mystique that time Rich pulled me up it as fast as I could go, but it still seems mystical somehow, especially on a cloudy day just before a storm. Days like that always feel so evocative. We hiked for over an hour, then we went to the bubble tea place on University Avenue and had bubble tea and mint s'mores cookies. (My FitBit said we had already burned the cookies off, but just now when I entered my food for the day, my calorie count was a disaster and the hike didn't do much to counteract it.) Then we went to Curd Fest, right back at Breese Stevens Field, but this year there weren't tons of vendors selling all sorts of flavors of curds. Culver's was selling poutine and giving away free T-shirts, so they had a very long line all the way across the field, and then on the far side there were four stands with weird combinations like watermelon and curds. We got in the relatively short line for Kurdish Curds, and they were delicious, deep-fried with wonderful Mideastern spices. I kept hearing thunder, so we headed home, and just after we got here, the sky unleashed a barrage of lightning, rain, and even hail. The 25th Anniversary event for the Monona Terrace was postponed until tomorrow evening, so we just had a quiet evening at home, watching my YouTube videos on the TV. It's fun to see them on a big screen.

Famous Hat

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