Friday, October 6, 2023

GLEAM 2023


Tonight Travalon and I went to Olbrich Gardens for GLEAM, their annual light art show. This year it started in the conservatory with some cool lights.

Then we went out into the gardens. The first display (sorry, no photos) was something where you typed a phrase into a website, and it created a flower display using some sort of code. We could see some rainbow trees in the distance.

As we walked along, we came to a place with doors you could open, and then you would see different scenes, but the lines were very long to get to open them. Instead, we checked out this elephant.

There was a really cool display of flowers that would light up if you danced on a flower-shaped dance pad, but none of the photos turned out. Travalon got a good video, which I will try to post soon. Then we went to a place with a bunch of disco balls. Here I am! Bonus points if you can spot Niko too.

This was kind of an interesting display near the Rose Tower.

We climbed the Rose Tower and saw what looked like fake fireworks in the distance. Then we went through a field of lanterns and saw the rainbow trees closer.

We wound our way through an "enchanted forest" with faces like this in the trees.

Then they began to sing and tell bad jokes! For example, "You really went out on a limb with that one!"

In the Sunken Garden, we saw the things that looked like fireworks from a distance. They were supposed to be giant dandelions.

I was hoping to post a couple of very short videos, but apparently Blogspot won't let me post even 5-second ones, so I'll have to make a movie of all the videos and then post that to YouTube and link it here. So that's something to look forward to. After we returned to the building, we had adult beverages; I had something with blueberry, basil, and lemon. It was... interesting. I can't decide if I liked it or not. By the time we finished our drinks, we were the last ones there except for the volunteers, but as we walked back to the car, lots of other people were coming out of the outside gate, so we didn't shut the place down. I would highly recommend GLEAM. It's very cool.

Famous Hat

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