Tuesday, October 10, 2023

More Blog Monsters


I brought the blooming gardenia inside the house because of the low temperatures at night, and now the whole house smells wonderful. The other day someone stopped by, and when I said, "Doesn't the gardenia smell good?" they claimed they couldn't smell it. The next day, they told me they had COVID and I should test myself, and I was thinking that the lack of smell should have been my first clue. I can't actually test myself until Friday without the chance of a false negative, so I've been trying to lay low. I worked from home yesterday and today, but my boss says I should come in tomorrow and wear a mask. He said let him know if I have any symptoms, but how will I know? I've already been sick for what feels like weeks with something that isn't COVID. It might just be allergies.

I was very sad to learn that my first Irish teacher died on Sunday. She was only 65, and I have no idea what happened. I never heard that she was sick. 

Speaking of bringing plants in, a neighbor asked if I wanted her fuschia because she was just going to leave it outside to freeze. You know I couldn't say no.

Time for some DuoLingo bragging!

This is crazy, but I gave a generous donation to an environmental group to get this stuffed animal. It was signed by William Shatner, but that's not why I wanted it - I just thought it was pretty.

Here's William Shatner's signature.

And now... more blog monsters! Yesterday Travalon had to think of an activity to do with the kids, so he asked them to draw blog monsters.  This first one just looks like Pippi Longstocking, not a monster.

This was the one both Travalon and I liked best. It's so cute!

This is the BW Blog Boog, apparently.

I'm not sure why this kid decided to insult the aesthetics of my blog...

And he got one more today. According to the label, this one is a bog monster. It looks more like an inkblot to me. Maybe it's a Rorschach test. Did I pass the test?

I hope that you enjoyed these additional blog monsters. Feel free to tell us in the comments if you had a favorite. Travalon told the kids this would be a contest, but they seem to have already forgotten about it, so they didn't ask who won. In a sense, they are all winners because they are all featured on my blog. How does it get better than that?

Famous Hat

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