Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Niko Got to Funkifize


Sorry that I haven't posted in a couple of days. Monday morning I felt awful, and Travalon didn't really feel any better, so we went to Urgent Care. On the way out, the papers they had given me fell out of my bag, so I picked them up, but I failed to notice that Niko had also fallen out. Luckily Travalon saw him - tragedy averted! I can't lose Niko - he's a third-class relic! I took the day off of work, since the doctor said to rest, but it was very loud in our house because they were residing our building. So I took a camping chair and sat outside... and then the landscapers came. I went back in, and our condo board president said they were going to do our porch. We weren't ready, since we thought they were doing it the next day, so he helped me clear stuff out of the way. I sat waiting for the guys to come to the door... and then I heard one out on the porch - he had come in through the window! I hate to think that a robber could do the same thing...

Yesterday I worked from home, and I still didn't feel too well at first. I was still coughing a lot, but by the late afternoon it had subsided a bit, so I went to Adoration. Afterwards Travalon and I went to the Orpheum to see Tower of Power, and they were excellent! Niko came with us; I wasn't wearing him, and I didn't bring a purse, so he had to hide in my pocket, but I took him out to watch the show. They played most of their hits, like "You Got to Funkifize" and "Squib Cakes," and they kept the energy level up for the whole show. They had two horn players, three saxophones, and an amazing rhythm section, and their lead singer was so charismatic. It was one of the best (non-early music) live shows I've ever seen.

Today I felt well enough to go into campus for work. At lunch I walked with my colleague; I said, "Please be merciful, I still don't feel completely recovered," and she said, "Not a problem - I hurt my leg." So we took a very slow walk. The doctor said maybe I shouldn't walk so much while still recovering from this bronchitis or whatever, but I think a little gentle exercise can't hurt. Today was one of those days where I was asked to perform miracles, like get a parking pass for tomorrow when they ask for at least two weeks' notice, and I realize I have buddies all over campus who will help me. I was a very unlikable kid, so I have tried to cultivate a likable persona, and it seems to have worked. The faculty are always asking for ridiculous things, but I always know who to call, and the person always says, "For you, anything." And then the faculty think I am this wonder worker... sometimes. Sometimes they just assume they will get whatever they ask for, no matter how ludicrous. But I suppose that's like any group of people - some are grateful, and some are just like, "Whatevs, that took you four whole minutes to track down."

When I got home, I admired the two blossoms on the gardenia I had managed to keep alive all winter.

They smell amazing too. As I have said thousands of times before, I wish I could post smells on this blog. 

Let me just say congratulations to Lady Harriet Whimsy, who keeps winning on Jeopardy. Also, she is expecting her first child right around Travalon's birthday. What a year she is having!

Famous Hat

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