Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Boxing Day Bird Party


I took the morning off of work today, and Travalon and I went to Cherokee Marsh. We could hear the swans, who always sound like they are partying: "Woo! Woo!" Then we got to a spot where we could see them, and Travalon took photos. It was quite a bird party, with the tundra swans, Canada geese, mallard ducks, and gulls.

We went over to take care of Mao the Cat, and then Travalon took off for work while I worked from home for the afternoon. After my adoration hour, I joined Kathbert and Travalon at Rich's house for leftover lasagna and the chocolate mousse Rich had made for yesterday but that nobody wanted after my cassata. I used to love Rich's mousse, but then he ran out of the good cocoa and started using a cheaper grade, and I couldn't even eat his mousse because it had a weird chemical taste. This time he used a higher grade of cocoa, so he waited in trepidation to see if I would like it... and I did! I ate too much of it. So it was a very good Boxing Day.

Famous Hat

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