Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Christmas Decorations and the Holiday Train


Yesterday I worked on campus, and on my afternoon break I could hear a train coming, so I got into position and watched it. I thought of making a video of it, but the last time I made a video of a train going through campus, it turned out to be five minutes long, so I didn't bother. Of course this train had like five cars, so it would have been a perfectly reasonable video. However, it wouldn't have been nearly as great as the videos I got last night.

As has become our custom, Travalon and I drove up to Columbus to see the Holiday Train. On the way, we passed a lot of beautifully decorated houses in Sun Prairie.

As usual, we waited by the street on the east side of town that crosses the railroad tracks. There were a number of other people there as well, some that we remembered from last year, but nothing like the crowd down at the depot. We could hear the train coming, so we got ready and made a video of it passing by. Then, while it was stopped for the show at the depot, we checked out some decorated houses in town.

I've heard the guy who owns this house is an electrician.

Then we got into position on the bridge and waited for the train to leave. We could hear the band playing Christmas music of the sort that is popular in stores this time of year (not the kind I like), and then they stopped, so we knew the train would be coming soon. There were a number of other people on the bridge with us, including a guy with a scanner who had been there last year, and a couple who had never watched the Holiday Train from above before and were duly impressed. Travalon and I both made videos from both spots, so I will put together a montage video, probably on Thursday, and post it to YouTube and then put the link on this blog. So watch for that.

On the way back home, we saw lots more decorated houses in Sun Prairie.

This person had a whole forest of Christmas trees!

I may have posted some of these same houses last year, but they're so beautiful that I'm posting them again.

DuoLingo has prepared an annual report for me.

I'm a World Champion, apparently. One of my DuoLingo buddies was a Galactic Superstar, which sounds like it's even better.

I guess next year I'll just have to aim for that Galactic Superstar status. Or maybe I can be a Universal Paragon. That sounds even better, if that status even exists. Maybe they'll have to create it for me after the year I'm going to have in 2024.

Famous Hat

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