Friday, December 1, 2023

Travalon's Almost Flammable Birthday


Sorry for the silence the last few days. Wednesday I worked on campus, then Travalon and I went to the classic rock jam. As always, they made me play "Norwegian Wood" in E, "Lucky Man" in G, and this time we did "Cecilia" in C. There were fewer players this week, but there was a guy who did a couple of Doobie Brothers songs, "Old Black Water" and the slowest version ever of "Long Train Running." The guy who knows how to do "Maggie May" wasn't there, so that's why I didn't do that song. Travalon always makes videos of me playing, so I can see that I am improving.

Yesterday I worked on campus, then I went to Rich's house for Thanksgiving Part II. We usually do this on the Friday or Saturday after Thanksgiving, not a week later, but I am still alive after eating the week-old turkey and stuffing and cheesecake, so it must have still been okay. Kathbert came after her rehearsal, and we talked and laughed like the old days. Here is a sunset I saw from an office facing west:

Today is Travalon's birthday, so after he came home from work, we went to Mariner's for dinner. Afterwards we had ice cream drinks, him to celebrate his birthday and me to celebrate winning the Staff Excellence Award at work. He said mine matched my sweater, so he took a photo.

I took a photo of him so he could always remember what he looked like on his 58th birthday:

That was lovely, but then we came home to a weird smell like burning rubber in the hallway to our garages. (Our neighbor alerted us to it.) I called the vice president of the condo association, since the president was out of town, and we found a circuit breaker, but it wasn't for the hallway but the water heater, and we sure didn't want to turn that off! Finally we realized the light in the hallway was the only electric thing out there, and the VP touched it and found it was hot. The problem was that someone had put too powerful of an incandescent bulb in the fixture, and it was starting to burn the fixture. When the VP went to unscrew the lightbulb, it was so hot that it burned his gloves! Another neighbor brought her oven mitts, and we got the bulb unscrewed and on the tile to cool off. That was probably more exciting than Travalon wanted his birthday to be - until we figured out the issue, we thought maybe there was a wire burning in the wall that would cause a fire! Who wants a birthday conflagration?

Famous Hat

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