Thursday, December 21, 2023

Holly Jolly Bob


Sorry for the silence the last couple of days. Tuesday I had to work on campus due to a meeting, and then we heard that our cost of living increases, which had been held up by the legislature, were finally approved. Of course, the university had to give up some stuff with diversity and equity to get the raises through. It seems like a crazy thing to do, because what are low-paid custodial and food service workers having to do with diversity and equity? They have no control over it. Since I had to walk to adoration and had some extra time beforehand, I got "unwrap balls" for my coworkers at a shop on State Street.

Yesterday I gave my coworkers the "unwrap balls" during our staff meeting, and they enjoyed unwinding them and finding the silly little treasures inside of them. It was a warmer day, so I took a long walk with my coworker at lunch, but I had to wear my super duper deep freeze winter coat. In the evening we went to the classic rock jam as usual, and this time the strangest group were a couple of white guys with dreadlocks who rapped. That doesn't exactly go with the classic rock vibe... They did do a couple of Bob Marley songs. The guy who knows "Maggie May" was there again, but this time he did it in D, not C, so I was really confused for a bit there. And the Billy Joel guy was there, so he finished up the night.

Jolly Bob is still blooming, so at night the house smells amazing. I wonder if the other side of Jolly Bob will bloom too? As I have discussed previously, there are actually two plants in the pot, and whenever one of them grows a new shoot, then the other one does too. When I told Tiffy about Jolly Bob, she said, "Now it's Holly Jolly Bob!" It's named after the now-defunct restaurant we were coming back from when I found it sitting forlornly on the curb. That was many, many years ago, well over a decade ago, and it is much, much larger now. I always say that if we sell this condo, we'll have to sell Jolly Bob with it because getting it down from the loft would be too much work.

Today my band had a paying gig, but it was during work hours. I was planning to work from home in the morning and then take the afternoon off to do the gig, but then we had a meeting at the same time. A meeting right before the holidays?? Meanwhile, Travalon had the perfect job today: handing out stuffed animals!

This is a really cute teddy bear in his boss's office.

And here is the man himself! This was from yesterday, not today.

If he just had a long, white beard, he would make a very convincing Santa!

Famous Hat

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