Saturday, December 30, 2023

Madison Zoo Lights 2023


Yesterday I had to run an errand, then we went to see the holiday train display at Olbrich Gardens. I thought I'd made a video of both trains but somehow only made two videos of the same train. Here are some photos. First, the Hodag.

Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue Ox.

Here is the train I did not make a video of. Travalon got photos of it.

And here is the train I did make a video of.

We also went into the conservatory.

There was a stunning sunset. Here is a photo I took.

And here are some photos Travalon took with his good camera.

And here are some Christmas decorations in our neighborhood.

In the evening we went to Zoo Lights at our own zoo. Here are some photos. First is a house we saw on the way there.

Here are some photos I took.

This is out of order, but we had dinner at Banzo, and they had a decoration up too - a garbanzo bean!

This is a house right by the zoo.

Those posted out of order. Now, back to Zoo Lights:

And here are photos Travalon took with his good camera.

This morning Travalon was so happy because Wolverhampton won. His little wolves Wolfie and Wendy celebrated joyfully.

Then we went to Cherokee Marsh to look at swans again.

We had lunch at the Nitty Gritty because one of the Night Prayer regulars had given me a $25 gift certificate for there, and then we went to Picnic Point. We didn't see any swans, but there were tons of geese, and we saw this gull party.

Then we went to Brittingham Bay to see if there were any coots, but again all we saw were gulls.

This is a video I made of the ice at Picnic Point making a cool sound that kind of sounded like crickets. Ignore my heavy breathing - I was trying to get active hours.

In the evening we went to R Van the Terrible's house with the fabulous porch, which she closes in the winter. We were celebrating the retirement of Cecil Markovitch, and Travalon gave him some Bosnian coffee and a glass that says "Old Lives Matter." We found one that was really funny that said: "F---king quitter! I mean, Happy Retirement!" but we thought that would be inappropriate. Cecil made chili, and people brought stuff to eat with chili, except for us because Travalon doesn't like chili, so we brought fried chicken and macaroni and cheese. R Van has a new, tiny kitten named Poirot, so we played with him and with her German shepherd Rudy. They were so much fun! It was like having two more people at the party, only fuzzy people who didn't really talk much but you knew what they were thinking. It was a very fun party.

Famous Hat

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