Saturday, December 9, 2023

Swans and Handbell Concert


This morning Travalon wore his Wolverhampton jersey and scarf, poured some coffee in his Wolverhampton mug, and grabbed Wendy and Wolfie to watch the Wolverhampton Wanderers. The good news: they didn't lose. The bad news: they didn't win. They've had quite a few ties this season. It's very hard to tie in American football, though my longtime readers may remember when I went to a very cold game at Lambeau against the Vikings, and neither team scored in double overtime so it was a tie. Of course they had to do that when it was in the teens and not a pleasant autumn day. But in soccer, ties are super common.

After the match was over, we went to Cherokee Marsh to see swans. We saw a whole bunch on the water, but as soon as we started going toward the observation platform, most of them flew away. Travalon did get photos.

We saw lots of what Travalon calls "Muskrat Lodges and Convention Centers."

Then we went out onto the bit of land that sticks out into the water, and we got a better view.

Here is a view of the marsh. You can barely see the swans as white spots.

We went to Governor Nelson and saw a lot of swans from there.

Are these two doing the tango?

The gray swans hatched this spring and are teenagers.

Here is an adult with a teenage swan, almost certainly its offspring.

When we got back home, Tiffy came to our house, and we met Rich and his guest for dinner at Little Tibet. Then we all (but Travalon, who went to a Steely Dane concert) went to the Christmas handbell concert. The theme this year was "a sleigh ride around the world," and surprisingly I knew a Spanish lullaby and a Liberian carol, but not the Beach Boys song that they did for an encore. For some reason their arrangement of "Angels We Have Heard on High" went into 7/4 time partway through, and they did the wackiest setting ever of "Jingle Bells," which was fine with me. Treat that song with the dignity it deserves, which is exactly none. 

Afterwards there was a reception with homemade treats, and I had a little red velvet ball that was perfect. On the way back to my place, I took Tiffy on a short detour to see the house with approximately six thousand light-up snowmen in the front yard. There seem to be even more than last year, so I'll have to take a new photo. Where do they store them in the off-season? The mind boggles.

Famous Hat

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