Sunday, August 11, 2024

Back to the Lake Kegonsa Trail


Today was a good hymn day at Mass. We sang "Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence" (aka the One-Eyed Angel Song) for Offertory and "Jesus, My Lord, My God, My All" after Communion. We wanted to walk to brunch at the Daisy Cafe afterwards, but it is closing very soon so everyone in the world was going there this morning. Instead, we met Tiffy at the Monona Bakery, where I got the Traditional Honduran Breakfast, which seems very healthy: black beans, eggs, chicken breast, plantains, avocado, and cheese. Then Tiffy headed home, and Travalon and I went back to Lake Kengonsa to take the new path from the other direction, starting at the State Park and heading toward Fish Camp Park. Here are some photos.

On the way back home, I saw a smiley face in the sky!

And it's never the wrong time for some DuoLingo bragging.

Travalon went to the Mallards playoff game, but they lost 5-1. I was good and went to band practice, where the Ukrainian music we are learning seemed to break some of my bandmates' brains. There was one song with an intro, and then the melody started at Measure 10, so Hardingfele was saying, "When we repeat it, we go to ten." I said, "If we were Spinal Tap, we'd go to eleven," which only makes sense if you've seen the movie, and our bass player said, "This is not the time for jokes." Indeed, one of my bandmates then did ask if we weren't supposed to go to Measure 11 instead. I love the music, but sitting between two cat ladies, I started to get itchy eyes and finally had to leave. I'm so allergic to cats that I'm even allergic to cat ladies! If you want to see our gig, it's at the Ukrainian picnic at 2 pm on 24 August at the park in Middleton with a splash pad. Let me know if you need more details.

Famous Hat

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