Monday, August 26, 2024

More Photos of Travalon's Trip Up North


Today wasn't a terribly exciting day, but I did have one of the most productive meetings I've ever attended. It was very hot, so when my colleague and I walked, we stayed in the shade and moved at a glacial pace. Then Travalon picked me up and we went to the health club; the outdoor pool was full of children, but the inside pool that isn't the warm pool or the lap pool was full of a class, so we braved the children. Several times they did leap off the edge and almost land on us - do they not look where they're going?? We tried to take up a very small space, but they kept invading us, and I got kicked several times. If you think you like children, just go to a pool full of them, and you will quickly realize that you were mistaken.

As promised, here are more photos from Travalon's trip up North. Again, since I have no idea what I'm looking at, this will be pure speculation. First, some lovely scenery.

Then the photos take a more maritime turn.

Apparently they toured a ship called the "William A. Irvin." I guessed this was in Duluth, and Google seems to back that up.

And these must be photos of Duluth from the ship.

Travalon has promised to write descriptions of what we are actually looking at in the comments, so watch for that. Or just enjoy the photos as is - there are no rules here on the Famous Hat blog, other than the #1 Rule that I will be more random than a rabbit on a B-17. And I think I've lived up to that promise.

Famous Hat

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